Dark Chocolate Lemon Rolls (Healthy & Vegan)

↓German below↓↓


Cinnamon Rolls were yesterday! Today we’re having “Dark Chocolate and Lemon Rolls“.
I promise you, these are gonna exceed your old-fashioned Cinnamon Rolls by far, and even better is that they’re quite healthy as well.
Every time I made them, they were a smash hit and I’ve already mad them quite a few times, so that’s what you wanna make for your next party. Now you know.

That’s what your dough should look like before, and after rising for 1 hour in a warm spot.

I have always been kind of afraid of making a yeast dough because everyone always said that it’s so hard to make, and the chance it wouldn’t rise properly would be so big, so I tried to avoid it whenever I could.
Today I love working with yeast, firstly, because I simply love the taste, and secondly,  I actually find it a really easy, and save dough to make. I’m not quite sure why everyone made such a big thing about yeast doughs. However, don’t be afraid of working with yeast. As long as you have your yeast, some sugar, a little bit of heat, and maybe some salt, you and your yeast will be fine.

I still recommend testing your yeast before using it, even if the package says that you don’t have to.


These “Dark Chocolate Lemon Rolls“ are a delicious and healthy alternative to your average Cinnamon Rolls. They are quite low in fat but still super moist and delicious.
They are even healthy enough to serve for breakfast since they’re also really filling.


To sum up, you can say that they’re pretty much perfect all around, and enjoyable in every situation of life.
So if you’re not convinced to try them out by now, I can not really help you anymore. I’m sorry!

However, I wish you much fun making them and tell me afterwards how they turned out.

German recipe below.

before baking


What you’ll need:

For the dough:

2.5 cups (300g) flour (I used 250g of spelt flour and 50g of whole wheat)
1 tbsp (10g) cornstarch*
2 tsp (8g) dry active yeast
3/4 cup (180-200ml) soy milk*
1 tbsp (15g) coconut oil
2 tbsp (25g) coconut sugar*
pinch of salt

For the filling:

1 banana
2 tbsp (8g) cacao powder
30g dark chocolate
1.5 tbsp lemon zest (about 1 big lemon)
1 tbsp lemon juice
3 tbsp coconut sugar*

1. Prepare your yeast mixture by heating up the soy milk. Make sure it’s not too warm. You want it to be warm but not hot when you stick your finger in it.
2. Add the coconut sugar, coconut oil, and salt and stir everything together. Add the yeast, stir again, and let sit for around 5 minutes to let the yeast activate.
3. Combine Flour and Cornstarch in a big bowl and make a mold in the middle
4. Add the yeast mixture and knead everything until it forms a stretchy dough without limbs.
5. Roll your dough into a ball and brush with water or oil. Cover with a towel and place in a warm spot until your dough, at least, doubled in size (around 1-2 hours).
6. Slightly cover your counter with flour and roll out your dough into a rectangle.
7. Prepare your filling by mashing up a banana and combining it with your cocoa powder and lemon juice. Spread evenly onto your dough.
8. Melt the chocolate by placing it into a double boiler. Add the lemon zest and drizzle it over the banana layer.
9. Last but the least sprinkle your coconut sugar on top of everything.
10. Roll your dough up lengthwise, and cut it in about 10-12 small pieces (depending on how big your square was).
11. Brush or spray a baking dish with oil and place your rolls in it with about 1-inch space between each of them.
12. Let rise again for 30min-1h.
13. In the meantime preheat your oven to 180*C.
14. Bake everything for 20-30 min or until golden brown.
15. Let cool for a little and drizzle with chocolate, lemon frosting* or whatever you like. Or just all together;).
16. EAT!!!!

Best when still warm

*cornstarch: You can leave it out. It just gives it kind of a different texture.
*soy milk: You can replace it with any other nondairy milk.
*coconut sugar: You can sub with any other sugar.
*lemon frosting: For the lemon frosting simply combine 2 tbsp of lemon juice with 1/2 cup powdered sugar. (You can add coconut sugar to a blender until it turns into a powdered consistency, for a healthier alternative.)

Dunkle Schokoladen Zitronen Schnecken


Du brauchst:

Für den Teig:

300g Mehl (ich hatte 250g Dunkelmehl Typ 630 und 50g Weizenvollkornmehl)
1 Teelöffel (10g) Maisstärke*
2 Teelöffel (8g) Trockenhefe
180-200ml Sojamilch*
1 Teelöffel Kokosnussöl
2 Teelöffel (25g) Kokosblütenzucker*

Für die Füllung:

1 Banane
2 Teelöffel (8g) Backkakao
30g dunkle Schokolade (ich hatte 80 % Schokolade)
1.5 Teelöffel (etwa 1 große Zitrone) Zitronen Schale
1 Teelöffel Zitronensaft
3 Teelöffel (ca.40g) Kokosblütenzucker*

Erhitze die Milch, sodass es nicht heiß aber auch nicht kalt ist, wenn du deinen Finger reinsteckst.
Gebe Zucker, Kokosöl sowie die Hefe dazu und verrühre alles. Lass das Ganze für ca 5 min stehen.
Während dessen vermische Mehl, Salz und Maisstärke und mache eine Mulde in die Mitte.
Gebe die aktivierte Hefemischung dazu und verknete alles zu einem elastischen Teig ohne Klumpen.
Forme eine Kugel und bestreiche sie mit ein wenig Wasser oder Öl und lass den Teig dann, in einer bedeckten Schüssel, für 1-2h an einem warmen Platz gehen. Der Teig sollte etwa doppelt so groß werden.
Rolle den Teig, auf einer bemehlten Fläche, rechteckig aus.
In einer Schale zerdrücke deine Banane und vermische dies mit Kakaopulver und Zitronensaft. Verteile alles gleichmäßig auf deinem Teig.
Anschließend schmelze die Schokolade in einem Wasserbad und gebe die Zitronenschale dazu. Sprenkel die flüssige Schokolade über die Bananenschicht.
Zuletzt verteile noch deinen Kokosblütenzucker gleichmäßig über allem.
Rolle deinen Teig auf und schneide ihn in ca. 10-12 Stücke (Je nachdem wie groß du deinen Teig ausgerollt hast).
Platziere die einzelnen Schnecken, mit ca. 1-2 cm Abstand, in einer Auflaufform oder Springform und bepinsele sie mit etwas Öl oder Wasser.
Lasse sie noch einmal für 30-60 min gehen.
Währenddessen heize den Ofen auf 180*C vor.
Backe die Schnecken für 20-30 Minuten bzW. bis sie goldbraun sind.
Nach dem Backen nur kurz abkühlen lassen und dann evtl. mit Schokolade oder Zitronenglasur* glasieren.
Am besten schmecken sie, wenn sie noch leicht warm sind.

*Maisstärke: Kann weggelassen werden. Es verleiht dem Teig lediglich eine etwas andere Konsistenz.

*Sojamilch: Kann mit jeder pflanzlichen Michalternative ersetzt werden.

*Kokosblütenzucker: Kann mit jeden anderen Zucker ersetzt werden. Kokosblütenzucker ist lediglich eine gesündere Alternative.

*Zitronenglasur: Für die Zitronenglasur, vermenge 2 Esslöffel Zitronensaft mit 100-150g Puderzucker (je nach gewünschter Konsistenz). Für eine gesündere Alternative kannst du dieselbe Menge Kokosblütenzucker in einen Mixer geben, bis er pulverisiert.

Vegan, healthy, low-fat Kaiserschmarrn (fruit-sweetened)

If you’re not from Germany or Austria, you may not know „Kaiserschmarrn“. However, that’s okay because we’re gonna change that right now! Otherwise, it would be fatal because Kaiserschmarrn is simply one of the most delicious breakfasts in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!!!!
It’s kind of a fluffy pancake, ripped in Pieces. Just way better!

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It’s usually made out of whipped up egg whites, flour, milk, and sugar, so evidently not that vegan-friendly or healthy. But since I love it so much, I tried to „veganize“ the whole thing and add some nutrition to it as well.

Well, I basically came up with a whole new recipe, to be honest, but that’s okay because it does not taste worse than the original version in any way. It might be even more enjoyable since you know you’re not eating any crap, and actually doing your body a favor by nourishing it with some good stuff.

This recipe is refined sugar-free and entirely fruit-sweetened, as well as low in fat but high in fiber.

The traditional recipe also calls for raisins in the batter, which just gives it that certain something, you know? So I would highly recommend adding them! But if you belong to that odd group of people, that absolutely refuses to just lick on a raisin, because you can’t stand the taste of them, you can obviously leave them out.
Try adding some chopped almonds to the batter. That’s really good as well.

Okay, so I hope I have convinced you to try out Kaiserschmarrn. If yes, let me know how you liked it. I bet you love it.😉

I prefer my Kaiserschmarrn with applesauce. But many People eat it with vanilla-sauce or just plain with powdered sugar.

Just try whatever you like best.

Heres the recipe:

Serves 1-2
You’ll need:

1/2 cup/ 60g flour *
3 tbsp/ 45g applesauce*
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp cornstarch
1 tbsp soy flour
1/4 cup/ 60g plant-based milk
dash of Tsp salt
Optional: Raisins or chopped Almonds

  1. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, cornstarch.
  2. Mix about 2 tbsp of your plant-based milk with the soy flour and stir into the remaining milk. Add the applesauce, and stir again.
  3. Add mixture to the dry ingredients, and combine everything.
  4. Add more or less milk depending on how thick your batter is. You want your batter to be a little thicker than regular pancake batter.
  5. Optional add raisins or chopped almonds.
  6. Preheat a pan on medium heat. If you don’t have a nonstick pan, spray your pan slightly with cooking spray.
  7. Add all the batter at once (If using a really small pan, make two batches. You want a layer of about half an inch or 1 Centimeter.), and let brown on one side for about 30 seconds.
  8. Then take a spatula and rip in pieces. Let brown, while moving once in a while until everything is nice and golden brown.Optional:

Sprinkle with powdered sugar and/ or serve with applesauce and roasted, sliced almonds.

*I used a mix of spelt flour and whole wheat flour.
*You can sub for one mashed banana if you don’t mind the taste.

Continue reading “Vegan, healthy, low-fat Kaiserschmarrn (fruit-sweetened)”